Elisa's Blog
Wednesday, May 04, 2005
Blech. You know what sucks about days of feeble rain like this one?

That this kind of namby-pamby drizzle has the unfortunate effect of making my hair mushroom out in a tangle of frizzies. Yep. Even if I use the most sophisticated Top of the Line Elite Quality High Shine Vidal Sasson #5 Secret Formula Super Extra Hold Active Curls Frizzy Control Serum with Pro-Vitamins E, D, B, W, H, and K.


But the real philosophical question that such days inevitably ellicit is this:

How can I control my life, when I can't control my hair?

Shave your head?
But then controling your hair by removing it wouldn't bode well for controling your life so maybe that's not such a good idea.
Hmm...after seeing these kinds of suggestions...maybe a scrunchie would do nicely, thanks. ;P
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